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What is Sole Water and How to Make it

Water and salt are the essences of life.

The elements of salt on our planet materialized before the formation of any living organism. Salt contains minerals and trace elements that are the foundation needed by every form of life on this planet.

Unadulterated, pure salt contains about 94 known elements found in the periodic table. Water is the vehicle in which the activation of these elements begins. It is a living energy that impacts not only our health, but also our consciousness.

When water and salt come together, the negative and positive ions of both elements transform.

Sole is the result of these two, powerful elements unifying to form a new structure. The healing effects of this mixture can be immense when it is made with high-quality water and salt. There are many reasons why our bodies might be depleted from essential minerals, and the frequency of sole allows us to achieve the vibrations our bodies need. Sole also balances pH levels and cleanses toxic waste build-up.

Sole has many applications and just some of its uses includes treatment of addiction, skin diseases, colds, allergies, digestive problems, circulatory diseases, and sleeping disorders.

All of the cells in our bodies are composed of water and salt; by adding sole – a biocompatible solution – back into our body, the minerals of the solution nourish our cells. As the minerals are absorbed, the sole also pushes water into the cells which creates a hydroelectric charge and enhances communication within your organs, which in turn leads to healthier bodily functions and treatment for the problems listed above. Those suffering from acne or eczema can both ingest and topically apply sole to affected areas to rehydrate and return the body’s pH levels to a balanced state.

When combined with a vegan diet that emphasizes alkaline foods such as greens, vegetables, and fruit, a highly concentrated sole bath can be used to heal or lessen symptoms of psoriasis.

Asthma attacks can be alleviated through a combination of baths, inhalation therapy, and sole drinking therapy, which is done by mixing one teaspoon of sole with 10 ounces of living spring water.

Sole is an inexpensive but powerful remedy that alleviates and heals a myriad of diseases due to the full spectrum of macro and trace minerals it possesses.

According to Dr. Gabriel Cousens in his book Spiritual Nutrition, “minerals are frequencies of light, frequencies of information, and frequencies of creation for the material world in the universe of which we live.” The earth is made of minerals. The human body is composed of minerals and water. Minerals are a catalyst for enzymatic reactions in the body. According to Nobel Peace Prize winner, Dr. Linus Pauling, “you can trace every sickness and every disease and every ailment, ultimately, to a mineral deficiency.” Without essential minerals, we can not survive. The more mineralized we are, the more we can connect to higher levels of health and consciousness.

Life on earth was created by salt, water, and sunlight.

Recipe for Sole Water

In a glass jar with a lid, place 4-5 crystal salt stones. Pour enough quality, living spring water into your jar to completely cover crystals. Allow to sit for 24 hours before checking to see if crystals have dissolved.

Once your initial crystals have dissolved, add another crystal stone and allow to sit. Repeat this process until your crystal salt stone sits at the bottom of your jar and no longer dissolves. At this point, your water is completely saturated and has become sole.

Use sole in a variety of applications, including sole-drinking therapy, inhalation therapy, sole baths, sole-wraps, peloid, and crystal salt ionizer.

The vessel in the picture above comes with the highest quality of Himalayan halite salt crystals. If you’d like to purchase the vessel I use and salt to make your own sole, please reach out to me by email.


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