How to Let Go Of the Past and What no Longer Serves You
Perhaps you are questioning your life’s work, your lifestyle, your relationships, or your financial situation, and discovering that the plans you hoped for no longer fulfill you emotionally, physically, or spiritually.
When this happens, you often fight the universe to bend its calling to your own will. It can be incredibly difficult to accept that you have worked so hard for what you thought it was meant for you.
Your mind is conditioned to believe that there is a destination where you will feel safe and comfortable. Would it bring you a disappointment to understand that this belief isn’t real? Or would you feel excited and thirsty for the countless opportunities awaiting you?

If you want to live free of the past, you must let go of the mind and turn inwards to the ways of the heart.”
This time in life is an excellent opportunity to point inwards, towards yourself, to see what patterns are preventing you from getting to a place of unconditional peace and happiness.
Here three simple steps to help you give a voice to the dialogue already happening within you:
Spiritual Nutrition Counseling. A holistic practitioner guide is a great option to come into balance, and you’ll never again feel alone or without guidance. As Spiritual Nutrition Counselor myself, I understand how water, minerals, herbs, superfoods, detoxification therapies, supplements, and how movement can modulate the genetic expression of your body/mind/complex. Apply for your first consultation here.
Meditate. Meditation can be your guide as you journey into your inner wisdom and healing. Start with three to five minutes every day if you’re new to meditation. It’ll help you to elevate your consciousness, be more present in your daily life, and be aware of your soul’s whispers and desires. There are plenty and free tools online to meditate. Whether you’re new meditating or you don’t have a lot of time, I’m sharing with you one of my favorites five-minutes meditations you can start with, and I invite you to explore and find the ones your soul connects with.
Self-help Books. What would it be like to free yourself from limitations and soar beyond your boundaries? What can you do each day to discover inner peace and serenity? Self-help books are a useful tool during inner discovery and healing process. The Untethered Soul is one of my favorites and offers simple yet profound answers to these questions. Discovering what no longer serves you is a multi-layered, lifelong search. Once you start taking baby steps, you’ll be able to recognize your patterns, and you can use this knowledge as a launching pad to consciously spark new direction in your life. Be open to discovering or unveiling a purpose in life that may not have anything to do with how you thought you should be living.
The mind is not equipped to find solutions for everything that has happened in your life but is limited to the information that it has collected over time.
Even your future ideas and plans are colored by past experiences. There are many different factors that affect how the mind works. What you eat, how you live, the state of health, and your emotions can modulate, increase, or decrease the flow of your innerspring.
To recognize your innerspring, think about moments when you felt you were in the zone. Maybe this was when you were exercising, playing an instrument, making art, or being in nature. At that moment, you become a vessel where time and space do not exist. This is the zone of your innerspring, a point of free flow that we access and where we feel aligned unconditionally. The innerspring is not the mind; the innerspring is what IS.
If you want to live free of the past, you must let go of the mind and turn back inwards to the ways of the heart.
Breath deep and know that clarity is innerspring that flows through you the same way that life flows through you.
May you be blessed to be able to find the ways of the heart, the strength to release what no longer serves you, and an innerspring to guide you towards your next adventure.