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A gentle way to reset your body, mind, and spirit

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Spiritual Nutrition Counseling

An Expert approach to:

Elevate Holistically your Well-Being with Ease

Feel & Live Better

The cleanse is so simple, with super easy-to-follow instructions and a shortcut with a no-excuse formula that will help you attain and stay in a healthy routine. Feel and live better, even if you don't have time to prepare food!

Why join us for this cleanse?

  • Curb your sugar cravings and feel rejuvenated

  • Come back into focus, so you can spend your time and energy on that which is most important to you.

  • Relieve inflammation and feel better fast

  • Cleanse your colon to assist in the removal of toxins to boost clarity, increase your energy, and enhance your immune system

  • Discover new healthy habits that will inspire you to stop overeating so that you can feel lighter and healthier!

  • Join a community of amazing people on their own journeys to a better, more vibrant life. Setting an intention in a group amplifies the energy exponentially, which creates more power to drive your results!

What can you expect:

  • Fourteen mouthwatering time efficient pre-recorded recipes that will keep you from being hungry while resetting your body for optimal energy and health.

  • No-excuse shortcut formula with food choices that for the most part can purchase pre- made.

  • To learn the principles of gentle cleanse, a skill set will serve you for life. Use them whenever you need a reset or boost.

  • Kitchen tips, including the healthiest way to clean your vegetables and my favorite food-prep tools.

  • To open your heart during three one-hour Hridaya yoga classes (choose from three different levels), and start (or get back into) your movement routine.

  • To practice guided meditation embedded with frequencies and biofeedback technologies that will help you relax, cleanse, and reorganize your energy field.

  • Recorded classes you can watch at your convenience.

  • Forum Q&A is available (prerecorded and also live) to help answer all of your questions by Marcela Benson.

Do you have questions?

Click on the arrows below to open each section

Why do I need a cleanse?

Cleansing is beneficial to upkeep the body and reduce the chances of illness or disease. As we go about our life, our body accumulates toxins from our environment, food, and lifestyle. However, when we cleanse, we wipe the slate clean, resulting in increased energy, focus, mental clarity, and mood. It is recommended to do a gentle cleanse two times per year. With this course, you will be equipped to do your own cleansing when you need it.

How can I justify the financial investment?

There is no investment more important than your health and well-being. If you’ve been feeling heavy, out of sorts, stuck, or low on energy, imagine how wonderful it will feel when you have the tools to reinvigorate yourself, so you can live like you want to! What is that worth to you? To me, it’s invaluable.

Plus, right now, for a limited time as I’m looking for case studies, I’m offering this cleanse at a 50% discount, which makes it an even better value.

I’m very busy. How much time will this take?

This is a cleanse for the real world! I am setting up this cleanse over a weekend, so you can dedicate the whole three days to your health. Plan to spend between 20 minutes and an hour each day setting up your ingredients and preparing food. I’ve included lots of pre-made options, so you won’t have to spend a long time cooking or preparing food. Just as the financial investment is just that—an investment that will yield an incredible return—you’ll see a return on your time invested in terms of more energy, renewed confidence and clarity, and momentum. It’s an upgrade of your entire life!

Is it a vegan cleanse?


Do I need to be vegan to do this cleanse?


Do I need a dehydrator?


Will I detox heavily?

Usually, no. If you have never done a cleanse and have been truly eating junk food, you might experience lots of urination and maybe diarrhea. This is truly a gentle way of cleansing, and you will be able to do all your activities without any problems.

If I don’t like sauerkraut, can I do this cleanse?

Yes. I will provide another option for the people who can’t have fermented foods.

If I am suffering with histamine reaction, and I can’t do any fermented food, can I still do this cleanse?

Yes, I will provide options. Contact me before you beguin this cleanse.

If I don’t like any vegetable or raw vegetables, can I do this cleanse?


If I have a specific health issue, can I cure it with this cleanse?

This cleanse is not for curing any specific issue. It includes the basic building blocks and a structure to learn healthy choices to clear up your system and begin your path toward healthy eating habits.

Which parts of this cleanse are prerecorded?

The recipes, the meditation, the yoga class, and how to clean your vegetables.

Will I have individual support?

No, this is a group class. You can schedule personal time with me at an additional cost.

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and the [success of your business] depends on [getting new clients in the door].

And not just any clients, but the right clients. The ones who are thrilled to work with you. Who understand that you’re unique and different from anyone else. Who show up coachable, decisive, and resourceful. Who do the work, get the results, and make you look like a rock star.

Without [a steady flow of the perfect clients, your business is in trouble}.

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